Spousal Abuse Information
Spousal abuse in the United States is a public health concern because of the magnitude of people affected by the crime. Domestic violence often goes unreported. The abuse often continues, and sometimes leads to death. (See Reference 1 and Resource 1)
Domestic violence is not limited to physical abuse, but encompasses the following: sexual abuse, and emotional and psychological abuse. (See Reference 1)
Physical abuse is defined as hitting, biting, scratching, shoving, slapping, or any personal attack causing injury to a person's body. (See Reference 1)
Forced sexual encounters with a partner are considered sexual abuse. It is used to dominate a person into submission, and is an act of violence. (See Reference 1)
Emotional and Psychological
The continual degradation of a person or threats of harm constitutes emotional and/or psychological abuse. Often a partner will try to intimidate a victim by yelling or throwing things. (See Reference 1)
If you feel you are in immediate physical danger, call 911. You can also contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). (See Resource 1)