Wellness Bulletin Board Ideas
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
A drug awareness bulletin board can speak to all ages. For maximum effectiveness, use real pictures instead of drawings. Concepts that can be included are consequences of drug use---permanent arrest records, loss of health, family, friends, trust and self worth; drug or alcohol poisoning---symptoms of, how to avoid and what to do in the event someone is suspected of drug or alcohol poisoning; and prescription drug abuse---signs of, how to avoid, consequences, physical dangers and effects on quality of life regarding school, jobs, friends and family.
Depression affects most everyone at some point, but for some it becomes a routine part of daily life. A bulletin board that addresses depression can illustrate the importance of recognizing depression that has become an unhealthy routine and the effect it has on one's self, family, job and health. Another point to be made is how common depression is. Most individuals do not want to admit to their depression because it seems like a sign of weakness. Describe depression, the signs and symptoms and list several places where help can be obtained.
Spring Break Safety
A spring break safety bulletin board can be used at graduation as well. Stress issues that are most concerning such as alcohol, riding in a car with someone who has been drinking, drinking and driving, sexual health information, safety of traveling in numbers, keeping personal beverages in your hand at all times, and road safety.
Hand Washing
This is another wellness concept that is great for all ages. Be sure to use brilliant colors and catchy phrases to gain attention. Identify the serious illnesses that can be acquired through inefficient hand washing. Stress the importance of hand washing, when to wash and the proper way to wash hands.
Importance of Sleep
Most people, especially teenagers, do not get enough sleep. Illustrate the benefits of sleep, the adequate number of hours recommended for various ages, strategies to acquire more sleep, and the dangers or long-term effect of not getting enough sleep. A calming, nature soundtrack could be played near the bulletin board.
Stress affects everyone and has a trickle-down effect on those around the stressed person. List the illnesses that can be associated with or directly related to stress and give tips on how to identify stress as the culprit. Also give symptoms of stress and ways to deal with or eliminate stress.
Healthy Relationships
A bulletin board on healthy relationships could bring awareness to many issues associated with unhealthy relationships. Illustrate the importance of respect, communication, honesty, and trust while addressing the negative results experienced when these qualities are not held as priorities. Give examples of healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships.
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