Why Do We Have Eyelashes?
Protective Purpose
Eyelashes prevent particles in the air or environment, such as dust for example, from getting into a person's eye, causing pain and possible infection. People believe that eyelids serve this purpose too, but eyelashes stop particles in close proximity of the eye from actually entering the eye by sealing off the space between the closed lids and the eyes.
Preventive Purpose
Eyelashes are curved and structured in such a manner as to keep foreign water or moisture from getting into the eye. The structure and curve of the eyelid is designed to repel water from the eye and direct it to flow down the sides of the face, eyes or nose.
Guiding Purpose
Eyelashes are very sensitive and can help calculate distances and proximity between an eye or face and its environment, much like the whiskers on a cat. They sense if something or someone is very close to the face. They can also alert you to small insects and particles coming near your face and eyes.
Relation to Brow
The eyelashes, brows and forehead work to shield the eyes from blazing sunlight. The brow protrudes, causing the eyes to be sunken under the eyebrows and brow. Of course, dust particles, sweat, and rain or other moisture also fall under this category as well. The slope of the brow and the eyelashes work in a partnership to fight against the dangerous particles and presences in the natural environment.
Eyelashes serve important functions aside from aiding in emotion, beauty and attraction in both sexes. This is one reason that it is rather dangerous to pluck one's own eyelashes or to replace them with fake eyelashes for beauty purposes. Natural loss of eyelashes occurs quite easily. Please remember to treat your eyelashes with caution and try not to pluck or remove them for the sake of vanity if it is not necessary.