Health Effects of Blue Headlights
Distraction and Decreased Vision
If you are driving a car and become distracted by another driver, a potential health hazard is at hand. Blue headlights are so bright that other drivers may be distracted and even temporarily blinded. Drivers with blue headlights are at no advantage either. Our vision tends to be fuzzy in blue light because humans are better able to see in red and green colors. Blue light is especially bothersome in our peripheral vision because of the locations of the rods (color receptors) in the retina.
Eyestrain and Fatigue
Our human eyes and brains use greater amounts of energy to process blue light than other light frequencies. This leads to eyestrain and fatigue. Because we are better suited to greenish light, blue light looks especially bright at night when headlights are in use. The health concerns of blue light-related eyestrain and fatigue are even more pronounced in people who have macular degeneration. Excessive exposure to blue light can cause permanent retinal damage.
Circadian Rhythm Disruption
Melatonin, a hormone which regulates sleep cycles, may be affected by blue light. At night, under normal circumstances, melatonin levels rise and we feel sleepy. When melatonin levels drop, we begin to wake up. The blue light of dawn plays a role in our waking. Blue light from artificial sources decreases melatonin as well. Artificial blue lights may disrupt sleep cycles which can lead to nearly every health problem known.
A study (which has been disputed) by the World Health Organization concluded that those who work the "graveyard" shift, the hours when most people are asleep, are at risk for several types of cancer. The WHO stated that ". . .this impedes biologic function by suppressing the immune system, reducing melatonin production and may damage genes leading to the production of abnormal cells." It would be easy to conclude that blue lights which suppress melatonin levels may also lead to certain types of cancer.
Are Blue Headlights Legal?
According to Daniel Stern Lighting, laws in the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan all state that "white" light is required for headlights. The problem is that there are confusing marketing claims made in which lights that are actually blue are confused with high performance headlights that appear blue. Furthermore, white lights may have tinted glass or other after-market products added that allow more blue light through. Manufacturers are responsible to comply with the law but definitions may be quite confusing to the public.