Etiquette for Toilet Seats

Etiquette can be defined as rules governing socially accepted behavior. Most people believe there are certain rules of decorum which we should followed in our daily lives. Although not usually discussed in genteel settings, toilet seat etiquette is one area frequently taken for granted or completely overlooked.
  1. Considerations

    • Sooner or later someone, probably a woman, will sit down on a toilet where the previously occupant, probably a man, left the seat up. The most important rule of toilet seat etiquette is to put the seat down.


    • It is up to each individual to assume personal responsibility in keeping a restroom clean. Everyone should wipe up his/her mess in a bathroom, including the toilet seat and floor area.


    • It is highly unlikely someone will become infected with a disease when coming in contact with a soiled toilet seat. Reusable towel rollers in public restrooms have a much higher incidence of spreading various viruses and infections.


    • Washrooms are not usually clean areas. Both the seat and lid should be down when flushing to prevent germs from becoming airborne, particularly if a toothbrush is in close proximity to the toilet.


    • Toilet seat etiquette is irrelevant if a person lives alone, has few, if any, guests, and rarely goes to public places. For everyone else, you need to be considerate and thoughtful of others using the facilities.

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