Food Stamp Requirements
People who apply for food stamps must have limited resources. These include a bank account that contains less than about $2,000. This amount may be up to $1,000 more if a member of the family is 60 years old or older. Vehicles are included as resources with certain conditions based on their value and use.
Personal income is measured as part of the requirements for food stamp eligibility. Both the gross and net income of people in the household are counted as part of this process. For example, a household of one person generally needs to make less than $1,200 gross monthly to qualify. Each additional person can only earn about $400 more than this amount or $1,600 for a two-person household, $2,000 for a three-person household, and so on.
Some households are permitted deductions from their finances to qualify for food stamps. Some of these deductions can include child support payments and various medical expenses for elderly and disabled members of the home.
Job Situation
The government has a term called "ABAWD". This stands for "able-bodied adults without dependents." People who fall into this category usually have special requirements placed on their eligibility for food stamps. For example, an able-bodied adult without dependents needs to participate in training programs and have certain time limitations on benefits.
Elderly and Disabled
There are exceptions to the rules regarding eligibility for food stamps. Some of these concern the elderly and the disabled who need assistance from the program. If the person seeking state assistance is at least 60 years old, he or she may be considered elderly by the government. Also, people wit government-recognized disabilities such as blindness and disabled veteran status (or their surviving spouse) may also meet eligibility requirements in some states.
Food stamps may also be given to immigrants who meet the federal requirements. An example of these is that immigrants need to have lived in the United States for at least five years. Also, children of immigrants are eligible for food stamps.
No Discrimination
The government itself has a requirement it must meet when it comes to food stamp applicants. There is a no-discrimination policy to which the government must adhere. This means that the United States Government cannot discriminate against applicants based on attributes such as race, creed, color, gender, or marital status.