How to Remove Pigeons
Pigeons living outdoors in town squares or parks get fed by anyone passing by. Those sitting on park benches bring pieces of bread to toss the one or two pigeons. Like magic the area gets infested with flocks of pigeons, all competing for the bits of food. Pigeons will soon call home to any areas that give them a place to rest or eat. They defecate all over the place, filling the area with bacteria and a poisonous growth. They are truly dirty birds. While it is not easy to remove pigeons that have already found comfort inside or outside your home, it is possible to deter them from returning.Things You'll Need
- Screen
- Plastic shower curtains
- Bird Proof Gel
- Water hose
- Bird spikes
Never Feed the Pigeons
Keep the pigeons out of attics and open vents by making sure all openings are screened. Putting up screening is easier than allowing them to nest in these areas and then getting rid of them.
Use plastic shower curtains to cover and fill any large holes, openings to the roof and tops of doors. This will keep any pigeons who land on the roof from getting an entry into the house.
Go to any hardware store and buy spike strips. Place them on anything you think a bird can sit on. This can include outdoor signs, the roof of a house or the ledges that are around windows. If any pigeons are already roosting in an area, shoo them away and cover the spot with spike strips. When they return, they will no longer be comfortable enough to make these ledges their home.
Use a sticky substance called Bird Proof Gel that comes in a regular caulking cartridge and is found in most hardware departments, stores or on the Internet (see Resources). It is easily applied to ledges, window sills, outdoor benches or just about any area (indoors or outdoors) where birds usually land. If they land on it once, they will not return a second time, as the stickiness is uncomfortable to their feet.
Use a hose to spray water on the few pigeons you might see on your roof, between the rafters or on top of the window panes. Trying to scare a few might just make them leave and never return.