What is a Personal Alcohol Breathalizer?

A breathalyzer, occasionally spelled breathalizer depending on the brand, measures individual blood alcohol content, or BAC, based on a breath sample. While police use breathalyzers to measure field sobriety, personal breathalyzers are useful for individuals to measure their own intoxication or that of a friend to ensure a safe and legal level.
  1. Testing Method

    • A person's blood is not directly measured with a breathalyzer; as blood goes through the lung, some of the alcohol in the person's blood is released into the alveoli, allowing it to be expelled through the person's breath and measured for BAC estimation.


    • According to an article by David J. Hanson, Ph.D., "research indicates that breath tests vary at least 15 percent from actual blood alcohol concentration."


    • Of the many breathalyzers designed for personal use, the major brands include Backtrack, Q3 Innovations and PMI.


    • Personal breathalyzer testing is sometimes mandated by the court. Additionally, a report by the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety indicates that many countries have adapted breathalyzers as part of "ignition interlock" devices, designed to prevent intoxicated individuals from starting automobiles.


    • Personal alcohol testing will likely be more convenient and cheaper in the future as the many complex computerized devices consumers with them can be converted for digital BAC measurement. Currently, there is a breathalyzer attachment for iPod users dubbed the "iBreath."

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