Alcohol Sensitivity Symptoms

Alcohol affects different people in a multiplicity of ways: some can handle several glasses of wine with no ill effect, while others can barely take a sip without feeling a variety of unpleasant symptoms.
  1. Symptoms

    • Common symptoms of sensitivity to alcohol include nausea, sweating, facial flushing (common in people of Asian heritage), heart palpitations, headache and decrease in blood pressure


    • Sulfites halt yeast growth and extend the shelf life of wines; be sure to check labels for sulfite levels.

    Allergic Reactions

    • When the liver fails to breakdown alcohol, an allergic reaction occurs. The symptoms (headache, queasy stomach, flushing) are simply the body's way of alerting its defenses to eliminate the toxins.


    • Wine contains histamines, created during fermentation. The most common symptoms of an allergy to histamine include migraine headaches, stomach problems and flushing. Yeast, a common ingredient in wine and beer, can in rare cases cause hives.

      Egg whites are used during winemaking to catch solid material in the wine. Though removed in the final processes, small traces may cause problems for people with egg allergies.

    Other sources

    • Alcohol may not be the only culprit causing allergic reactions: check ingredients on drink mixes, alcoholic "soft" drinks and food marinades, as well as over-the-counter medicines like cough syrup.

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