How Long Does the Flu Virus Last on Surfaces?
Time Frame
The flu virus can last from just a few seconds to nearly 48 hours, depending on the strain and the surface on which it exists.
The flu is stronger than a common cold, and can live on impenetrable surfaces like plastics or wood for longer periods of time. The virus won't survive as long on surfaces like fabrics or paper.
A person who becomes infected with the virus can have symptoms for up to 10 days. She can be contagious for up to 5 days after symptoms begin.
To make sure you don't get sick, always wash your hands after touching a surface, such as a door handle. If you can't immediately wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, then find a place to wash your hands for up to 15 seconds in warm water with soap.
Other Measures
Always cover your mouth when coughing, and stay at least 6 feet away from a person who is coughing. Disinfect any surfaces with wipes (such as Clorox) if you or members of your household are sick with the virus.
Control Measure
During flu season, it is recommended that you receive a flu shot to help protect against the virus.