Signs of a Gas Stove Leak
Gas leaks can be small or large, and can happen indoors or outdoors. They can also be sudden and cause injury and property damage. How do you know if there is a gas leak in or around your house? There are a few simple signs which can alert you to possible problems. If you become aware of two or more of the signs below, move away from the area and call the local utility immediately.-
Gas leaks can create a white cloud, mist or fog. Also look for blowing dust or bubbles in standing water.
Leaking gas has a distinctively strong rotten egg odor.
Gas leaks can cause a roaring, hissing or whistling noise. If the sound comes from behind an appliance, the feed into the appliance is probably cracked.
Other Signs
Sudden high gas bills can be caused by a gas leak. Abnormal meter movement can be caused by a gas leak as well.
Physical Signs
Physical signs of a gas leak can include sudden strong headache, a burning sensation in the eyes or nose, and nausea. Other signs of prolonged exposure to gas leaks can include dizziness and weakness.