How to Donate The Plasma in Your Blood For Money
Things You'll Need
- Doctor's note
- Identification
- Proof of residence
- Proof of age
- Water
- Soft rubber ball
- Jacket
Call the plasma center in your area to determine if walk-ins are accepted or if appointments are required. Centers can be found in the phone book under "plasma donation," or online. Calling in advance can avoid a wasted trip if appointments are required and provide information on what to bring to the appointment.
Arrive first thing in the morning if the center accepts walk-ins. Walk-in centers take donors on a first-come, first-served basis. In some areas, the centers may have many donors with longer waits later in the day.
Bring a doctor's note if you are taking medication or have a condition such as diabetes. The plasma center may not allow you to donate without a doctor's clearance. Getting it in advance means you won't have to make a second trip.
Have identification ready. Most centers will require a driver's license or state ID and something that displays your social security number. Proof of your address, such as a recent utility bill, and proof that you are over 18 may also be needed. The center will tell you what you need to bring when you call them for information.
Fill out the medical forms. The medical forms help determine your eligibility. Individuals who are ill with a cold or flu, or meet certain risk factors, such as recent jail time, are not eligible to donate.
Submit to an exam. If this is your first visit, a physician will check the medical history that you provided and give you a brief external exam. Technicians will also draw blood to check your blood proteins and take your weight and blood pressure information.
Watch the orientation video, which describes how the process works, what the plasma is used for, and restrictions on donating. If this is your first time, or if you have not donated in over a year, viewing the video will be required.
Drink plenty of fluids before you donate. Drinking water increases the fluid volume of your blood and makes your blood thinner. Higher fluid volume means the machine can collect more plasma in each pass, which makes the donation process go faster.
Pump your hand or squeeze a soft rubber ball during the collection process. This will help pump blood through tubes and into the machine.
Bring a jacket. The plasmapheresis room is kept cool and a jacket will make you more comfortable. Do not wear the jacket but drape it over yourself like a blanket.
Drink plenty of water after you donate. Your body replaces plasma fairly quickly, but drinking water will assist that process.
Collect your money from the reception or payment desk as you leave. The amount you receive depends on the center but the average amount is $20 to $30.
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