How to Prevent Swine Flu
If possible, avoid Mexico. While Mexico is often a good vacation spot for many, it is currently the hot spot for swine flu. Authorities in Mexico have temporarily shut down schools from kindergarten level to universities, as well as advised people to stay away from gatherings and take extra precautions. If you have a vacation planned or a business meeting scheduled, try to postpone it until further notice.
Since the swine flu has traveled to the United States, it is important to observe basic flu prevention techniques. This includes: covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough, washing your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoiding close contact with people who are showing flu symptoms. You can also keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer on your key ring to use.
Take 1,000 mg to 3,000 mg of Vitamin C daily. Vitamin C comes in many forms that include chewable tablets, pills and in liquid forms such as Emergen-C and orange juice. Vitamin C can help build up your immune system and make it tougher for viruses to thrive.
You can also take another immune system booster, Echinacea. Echinacea also comes in a variety of forms. One of the easiest ways to take Echinacea is in your favorite tea. Simply add 20 to 30 drops in each cup of tea a few times per day. Echinacea helps support the immune system and when mixed with Vitamin C, gives extra resistance to tough viruses.
Watch for symptoms of the flu. Symptoms of the swine flu are quite similar to the seasonal flu. Symptoms include: fever, body aches, lethargy, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite, coughing and runny nose. You may have just a few of these symptoms or you may have all of them.
If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider to get tested. The swine flu is treated with antiviral drugs that stop it from reproducing and attacking the body. These antiviral drugs work best if administered within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.