How to Recover From a Hangover in Six Hours
Things You'll Need
- Chicken broth Water A hot shower Aspirin Scented lotion Pedialyte
As comforting as it may be to stay in bed, the first step to ridding yourself of a hangover in less than a day is to get up. Drink at least three cups of room-temperature water immediately after waking. Cold may feel good, but the body has to do less work if it's room temperature. Wait two hours, only drinking water every 20 minutes. You should be urinating regularly. Take an aspirin about an hour after waking, to dispel a headache.
Next, get a big batch of chicken broth brewing, and drink one bottle of Pedialyte while you're waiting. Once the broth is hot, drink it. You will get very warm and sweat, but that is the idea. Keep alternating the water and Pedialyte. Water will help you urinate, and Pedialyte will replenish electrolytes and help fend off dehydration.
Once you've been warmed through with the broth, run your shower very hot and stand in there not touching the water. If the water is hot enough, it will burn your skin, so be very careful. Run the water for at least five minutes on hot, and then turn the temperature down and shower with lukewarm or preferably cool water. Sweating helps get a bit of the alcohol out of your system. After your shower, drink two more cups of water. You will be continually drinking water for the rest of the day in higher volumes than normal.
Before dressing, apply a scented lotion to prevent yourself from smelling like alcohol during your daily interactions. You should spend the next three hours alternating between water and Pedialyte. Forgo spicy foods, because sweating after applying the lotion will intensify the alcohol smell. Two hours after waking, solid foods are an option: Try toast.
The final hour before you go to interact with anyone, you may consider showering again if the alcohol smell continues to intensify.