What Do Body Lice Bites Look Like?
Look for tiny red dots. These itchy dots are the initial signs of body-lice bites and are commonly seen around soft, creased areas of the skin, such as the armpits, cubital fossa (crease above the elbow), underwear region, groin, upper thighs and waistline.
Look for rashes on your skin. The initial tiny red dots will eventually evolve into elevated pimple-like rashes that closely resemble German measles. These rashes are signs of your skin's allergic reactions to body-lice bites.
Inspect your skin for signs of inflammation. If you constantly scratch the bites, the red rashes will become inflamed, turning into small, light-red conical elevations with white dots on the centers.
Observe any unusual changes on the affected areas of your skin. If you have body lice for a long period of time, certain areas of your skin may become thickened and appear darker---a skin condition known as vagabond's disease. These thickened and discolored areas are most common around severely infested or bitten parts of the skin, such as the waistline, upper thighs and groin.
Watch for possible signs of irritation and infection. If you constantly itch and scratch the bites, your skin may become crusty and abraded, which can lead to formation of sores. These sores can potentially be infected by other microorganisms, such as fungi or bacteria.