How to Calculate Your 80 - 100 oz of Water Daily

Water is the most essential component in the human body. Since the body consists of almost 70 percent water, making sure that you are taking in enough is vital to your health. When properly hydrated, you can think clearer, work harder and stay healthier. To find out how much water you need to be drinking, make a simple math calculation. Once you know your number, establish a routine that ensures you are drinking what is necessary.


    • 1

      Calculate how much water you need a day. The calculation is simple. Take your body weight and divide it by two. If you weigh 165, then you need to drink 82 ounces of water a day or about 10 glasses of water.

    • 2

      Start by drinking two glasses of water first thing in the morning. Your small intestine is capable of absorbing only about 8 oz. of water every 30 minutes. The "extra" amount will help to cleanse your body from the diet the previous day.

    • 3

      Drink a glass of water 30 minutes prior to a meal. This will help prep your body for the food that you will be taking in and help keep you from overeating.

    • 4

      Set a regular schedule of drinking an 8 oz. glass of water every two hours. Think of it as your dose of medicine. Keep to the routine to make sure that you get your required daily intake.

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