How to Respond to an Emergency
Things You'll Need
- CPR certification
- Basic first aid kit
- Personal safety equipment such as mask and gloves
Check, call, care.
When responding to an emergency, check the scene for safety and decide if it is safe for you, bystanders and the victim. Notice any unusual sights, smells or sounds that can give you information as to what has happened what you need to do next.
Check the victim. If the person is unconscious, tap on their shoulder (do not tap the head or neck to avoid injury) and shout "are you okay?"
Call 911. If possible, have another person call while you are attending the victim. Make sure to give the dispatcher vital information such your location, as age and gender of the victim, whether the victim is conscious, and a description of the victim's injuries.
Obtain consent. This is absolutely vital before providing care to a conscious person. If the victim is unconscious, consent is implied. If the victim is a minor, obtain consent from a parent or guardian.
Give care to the victim. Look for bleeding, and apply pressure to wounds to stop bleeding.
Check for signs of life. Place your ear to their face and/or chest to check for breathing. Notice of their chest is rising and falling.
If you notice no breathing, place one had on the forehead and two fingers under the chin to tilt the head back. Pinch the nostrils shut and gently blow into the victims mouth until their chest rises. This will determine if the victim is choking or not.
If patient is NOT breathing, render CPR.