How to Survive Chicago Winters
Things You'll Need
- Snow boots
- Puffy jacket
- Hats
- Gloves
- Mittens
How to Survive Chicago Winters
The best advice for surviving winters in Chicago is to dress accordingly. Invest in as heavy jacket or two. A nice wool one if you need to dress up and a puffier, down-filled one for everyday use.
Since Chicago is a very public-transportation-friendly place, you should probably invest in some boots and other outerwear. A pair of boots lined with a warm fabric will keep your feet comfortable no matter the temperature. Here's a tip: Invest in a water-proof spray that your shoe store probably carries. This will lengthen the life of your boots and also keep your feet from getting soaked after you walk through snow drifts.
Protect your face. Knit a scarf or purchase one that you can wrap several times to keep your face sheltered from wind-burn.
Cover your ears and hands. If you don't want your hair to get messed up by a hat, use a winter headband to cover your ears. Invest in mittens or gloves to keep your fingers sheltered too.
If you're not used to cold climates, you may want to invest in a pair of long johns to wear under your clothing. If you're female, consider wearing tights underneath your clothes for a less-bulky feel.
If you drive, be cautious and give yourself extra time to travel. The same goes if you use public transportation. Because the city's transit systems can be heavily affected by weather, be sure to leave your house early to catch the bus or El.
Make sure your heat is working properly. If you use radiant heat, turn it all the way on to avoid blocked pipes and to get all the heat into your house. Keep extra blankets handy in case the weather impacts your heat, or if it gets chilly at night.
If you handle home maintenance, keep a shovel and salt handy. You may need to dig yourself a path to get out of your house in the mornings.