How to Increase Exercise in Your Daily Routine
Think outside the box to find opportunities for physical activity every day. Find small opportunities to be physically active, like doing jumping jacks during TV commercials or walking up and down the hallway while talking on your cell phone. Play tag or jump rope outside with the kids or grandchildren, or have a pillow fight with your spouse. Dance while unloading the dishwasher or run while tidying up the family room and putting things away.
Even a short walk can have healthy benefits. Fit in a short walk. Go for a quick walk around the block on your lunch break or after you drop the kids off at school. Take the dog for a walk or put the baby in the stroller for a short outing.
Look for ways to make tasks or chores into active games. Turn ordinary tasks or jobs into games. Set the timer for five minutes and try to get dressed and make the bed by the time it beeps. Race to see how fast you can put the laundry or the groceries away.
Taking a few extra steps at each opportunity will add up. Take extra steps. Go up and down each aisle twice at the grocery store, and carry the grocery bags into the house one at a time instead of trying to carry them all in one trip, Walk down the hallway and back when visiting your colleague in the office next door, or go upstairs to make the bed, then go up again to put laundry away and go up again to clean the bathroom.
Music can help to get you moving. Do things to music. Dance to some lively tunes while dusting or bop to your favorite music while cleaning the bathroom or putting groceries away. Play some kid-friendly music and dance around the living room with your children or grandchildren.