How to Prevent Fungal Infections
Fungi are microscopic plant organisms that are incapable of producing their own food. So they survive as parasites absorbing nutrients from their hosts (humans or animals). Fungal infection affects almost every body part there is--from the scalp down to the foot. These infectious organisms like to settle on warm and moist areas of the skin such as the gaps in between digits, neck area, the groin or other parts where there are skin folds. Symptoms include excessive itching and scaling on the affected area, which may lead to skin irritation if not properly treated. To protect yourself against fungi attack, follow the safety tips below.Instructions
Observe proper hygiene. Taking a shower or washing your hands will do the trick.
Keep your skin dry at all times.
Avoid wearing overly tight clothing that may build up moisture on the area.
Change socks and underwear daily.
Wash or change towels as often as possible.
Be sure to wear sandals when you wash yourself on public showers.
Change your swimsuit or your damp clothes immediately after swimming.
Avoid sharing stuffs like towels, combs or shoes.