How to Organize a Blood Drive
Things You'll Need
- Snacks for donors
- Fliers
- Volunteers
Contact the blood service provider in your area. You can reach the American Red Cross at (800) GIVE-LIFE (800-448-3543).
Choose a date. Give yourself plenty of time to get the word out about your blood drive.
Choose a location. The Red Cross may have some suggestions, or you can use a church hall, school or community center. If your local blood services organization has a bloodmobile, you can hold your blood drive in nearly any location.
Recruit a committee of people to help with the drive. Assign people to specific jobs such as publicity, providing snacks and setting up childcare during the drive.
Get the word out. Hang fliers on bulletin boards at coffee shops, schools, churches and grocery stores. Ask local radio stations to do a public service announcement for your drive. Ask your local blood services organization about other ways to promote the drive.
Encourage people to sign up ahead of time, but plan on having plenty of walk-up traffic.
Remember to thank people for coming. Let them know that each donation is potentially life-saving and encourage them to give blood again in the future.