How to Sell Plasma
Check with the Yellow Pages or a nearby college campus for the closest plasma collection center, blood bank or blood collection facility. There are more than 400 for-profit plasma collection centers in the United States.
Eat something two hours before donating plasma and drink lots of water to avoid feeling light-headed, which is common after donating blood.
Plan to spend a few hours at the center the first time you go. Prospective donors are questioned about their health history and circumstances that may put them at risk for being HIV positive. You will also be asked if you've had any piercings or tattoos within the last 12 months. You'll undergo a physical exam, be screened for drugs, and be asked to sign waivers.
Lie down, relax and let the technician insert a needle into your vein. The blood flows into a sterilized machine that separates the plasma from the red blood cells and then pumps blood back into your bloodstream, in a process called apheresis.
Allow time for your medical history to be reviewed each time you return. After the initial visit, donating usually takes 30 minutes if there is no waiting line.
Expect to earn up to $35 for each donation (twice a week max). Donors who have been vaccinated for hepatitis B can earn up to $60 per week.