Why are piles dangerous?
1. Excessive Bleeding: Bleeding is a common symptom of piles, and it can lead to anemia if left untreated. Anemia occurs when the body lacks a sufficient number of healthy red blood cells. As piles enlarge, they can cause significant bleeding during bowel movements, which can result in iron deficiency and reduced oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.
2. Pain and Discomfort: Large or prolapsed hemorrhoids can cause intense pain and discomfort in the anal region, especially while sitting, standing, or during bowel movements. The pain may interfere with daily activities and reduce quality of life.
3. Thrombosis: Sometimes, a blood clot can form within a hemorrhoid, leading to a condition called thrombosis. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are extremely painful and can cause swelling and inflammation in the affected area.
4. Strangulation: When a prolapsed hemorrhoid fails to return to its normal position, it can become trapped and strangled. This can lead to tissue damage, infection, and severe pain.
5. Infection: Piles can become infected, leading to symptoms like fever, chills, swelling, and膿液排出。 Infections can spread and cause more serious health complications.
6. Fistula Formation: In some cases, untreated or severe piles can lead to the development of fistulas, which are abnormal connections between the anus and the surrounding skin. Fistulas can be painful and difficult to treat.
7. Incarceration: Incarcerated piles occur when prolapsed hemorrhoids cannot be pushed back into the anus. This can result in severe pain and discomfort, as well as the risk of developing complications like infection and tissue damage.
8. Rare Complications: In rare cases, piles can cause more severe complications, such as rectal prolapse, where a portion of the rectum protrudes outside the anus.
It's important to seek medical evaluation if you experience persistent or severe pile symptoms to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment and avoid potential complications.