How do you donate your body to wright state?
Here's a general guide to the process:
1. Reach Out:
Contact the Anatomy Gift Program at Wright State University's School of Medicine. They will provide you with the necessary information and forms.
2. Complete the Donor Form:
Fill out the donor form. This usually involves providing personal information like your name, address, date of birth, and contact details.
3. Consent and Authorization:
You will be required to sign a consent and authorization form that allows Wright State University to receive your body for educational and research purposes after your death.
4. Medical History:
Provide your medical history. The university may request this information to ensure there are no health or safety concerns that could impact their ability to accept the donation.
5. Legal Representative and Witnesses:
Identify a legal representative or next-of-kin who will handle any necessary legal matters after your death. Witnesses may also be required to sign the donor form.
6. Submit Form:
Once completed, submit the donor form to the Anatomy Gift Program at Wright State University.
7. Documentation and ID:
Keep a copy of the donor form and other relevant documentation for your records. You may also need to provide proof of identification when donating your body.
It's essential to note that policies and requirements may change, so always verify the process and any updates with Wright State University's School of Medicine directly.