Anti-Smoking Activities for Kindergarten Children
Construction Paper Hands
Trace each kindergartener's hand in colored construction paper. Instruct the children to cut out their hands and help them write one statement in marker about why they would never smoke. During class or with their parents, the children should explain why smoking is bad for them. Collect the hands and display them on a hallway wall in a ring formation for the entire school to see.
Celebrating Healthy Bodies
Focus on the importance of healthy bodies for kindergarten-aged children. Parents and educators should introduce nutrition and exercise lessons to the children, and emphasize the message that smoking has no place in this type of healthy lifestyle. Start a school exercise program and explain how smoking increases heart rates and causes respiratory problems and that smoking is not part of a healthy lifestyle and kindergarteners are too good and healthy to smoke.
Poster Contest
Hold a poster contest with an anti-smoking theme for the kindergarten classes in your school. Choose a theme for the contest, such as "Smoking Stinks," and have children draw or paint their own artwork on standard-sized poster boards. Set a deadline that allows the children approximately two weeks to finish their posters. Display all the posters during a specific anti-smoking day celebration. Ask volunteer parents to bring in treats and drinks for a party. The children and teachers will vote to select the winning poster.
Making a Pledge
Provide posters and videos to kindergarteners about the dangers of smoking and also about the negative effects of second-hand smoke from parents and other adults. Explain how smoking is an addiction to nicotine and the best way to prevent becoming addicted is to never start. Children can sign a pledge stating they will never try cigarettes, and the children will ask smoking parents and relatives to sign a pledge stating they will stop smoking immediately.