Devices to Filter Out Harmful Elements from Cigarettes
Early Cigarette Filters
Boriz Aivaz patented the first cigarette filter in the 1920s. Because manufacturers and users were not able to incorporate the filter easily into the cigarette, it was not widely used at the time. In fact, cigarette filters didn't gain popularity until the 1950s. Now filters are used widely by people who enjoy smoking but want to protect their health from potential serious side effects.
Disposable Filter
Disposable cigarette filters can be used and then thrown in the trash. Depending on the brand, each disposable filter can be used for up to 20 cigarettes. Disposable filters are available in various colors, such as white, clear and amber, so that you can choose the look for your cigarette.
Minifilters are significantly smaller than other filters and are typically clear. Their size and transparency provide maximum discretion in comparison to all other filters, which makes them a suitable option for people who don't want others to know about their filter usage. These filters last about eight cigarettes and are also disposable.
Permanent Filter
Permanent filters are filters that you can clean and reuse instead of dispose of. They tend to be more expensive than disposable filters but are a much better deal in the long run since you only need to buy a filter one time, instead of stocking up on bulk disposable filters. The permanent filter must be cleaned after approximately a pack of cigarettes, depending on the brand. Purchasing this filter in a light or clear color will help you know when to clean it since you will be able to see the tar building up on the inside.
Cartridge Filter
A cartridge filter is similar to the permanent filter in that the holder of the cartridge filter is permanent. The difference between the two lies in the cartridges used in this system, which are not permanent: you must replace them after about 10 cigarettes.