How to Empty the Fluid in a Bic Lighter
Things You'll Need
- Work gloves
- Safety glasses
- Dust mask
- Small flathead screwdriver
- Needlenose pliers
- Two bricks
Put on work gloves, safety glasses and a dust mask to protect your skin, eyes and lungs.
Pick up the lighter. Turn the lighter so the press-down tab is aimed away from you. Look at the middle of the thumbwheel. Press open the two tiny metal tabs, pressing one to the left and one to the right, with your fingers or the screwdriver head. The metal tabs hold the safety tab in place.
Insert the screwdriver head into the flame opening and under the middle of the thumbwheel. Apply slight pressure to pop up the metal safety tab -- the flat metal sheath -- in the middle the thumbwheel. Remove the sheath. Close the tiny metal tabs.
Remove the metal wick, thumbwheel and plastic press-down tab and rim with needlenose pliers. Sit the lighter up right. Place two bricks flush against the sides of the lighter so it does not fall over. Allow the lighter to sit for 24 hours to ensure full evaporation of the butane.