The Pros of Tobacco-less Cigarettes
Tobacco-less cigarettes are advantageous because they do not pose the same health risk that traditional cigarettes do. Tobacco-less cigarettes do not have the harmful tobacco and additives that traditional cigarettes have. Also, by smoking tobacco-less cigarettes, you do not create risks for other people's health. As of 2011, there are no serious health risks of secondhand smoke from tobacco-less cigarettes.
Tobacco-less cigarettes do not smell like tobacco cigarettes. The stench of smoke clinging to your clothing, carpet and furniture will not happen with tobacco-less cigarettes. Tobacco-less cigarettes emit an odorless vapor that dissolves into the air.
Traditional cigarettes can stain teeth yellow or brown and cause bad breath. Tobacco-less cigarettes, on the other hand, will not stain your teeth or cause bad breath. Tobacco-less cigarettes won't damage that smile you need for photo opportunities or hurt your chances of locking lips with your partner.
Smoke Anywhere
Tobacco-less cigarettes are preferable to traditional cigarettes because you can smoke them anywhere. As of 2011, there are no laws that ban the use of tobacco-less cigarettes in public places. With tobacco-less cigarettes you can feel free to light one up at the office, school or even in church.
Keeping Cool
Tobacco-less cigarettes supply you with all the coolness of traditional cigarettes without the harmful health effects. You can still look as cool as, if not cooler than, tobacco cigarette smokers.
Tobacco-less cigarettes are advantageous because, once you buy a pack and the associated equipment, you will not need to purchase another pack for about three to five months. Also, much less of your money will go to the government because tobacco-less cigarettes are not taxed as heavily as tobacco cigarettes.
Tobacco-less cigarettes will not burn your clothing or furniture. You won't need to worry about covering up the cigarette burns on your furniture. You also won't need to worry about burning yourself.