List of Harmful Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke
Benzopyrene causes lung cancer. Carcinogens are chemicals that are known to cause cancer. Aminonaphthalene is one carcinogenic chemical in cigarette smoke; this particular chemical has been banned in industrial uses because of its link to bladder cancer. Another known carcinogen in cigarette smoke is benzopyrene, a coal derivative that causes both lung and skin cancers.
Poisons are present in every plume of cigarette smoke. Many chemicals that are specifically noted for being poisonous to humans are found in cigarette smoke. Formaldehyde is one of these ingredients, which is commonly used as an embalming fluid to preserve corpses. This poisonous chemical causes harm to our breathing, skin, and gastrointestinal functions. Another poison found in cigarette smoke is acetone, which is used by consumers in the form of nail polish remover. This poison can cause liver and kidney damage.
Particles of tar pollute the lungs via cigarette smoke. Carbon monoxide is the most widely known pollutant in cigarette smoke. This chemical is life threatening in indoor environments, as excessive amounts of the pollutant can decrease heart and muscle functions to the point of total shutdown. Tar is another harmful chemical compound in second-hand smoke that pollutes the lungs with particulate matter.
Propionaldehyde can irritate your eyes. Propionaldehyde is a chemical that is generally used as a disinfectant. However, when it is released via cigarette smoke, it causes skin, eye, and respiratory irritations. Pyridine is another example of the irritants in second-hand smoke. This chemical can cause upper respiratory tract irritation when inhaled.
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