How to Filter Smoke From a Cigarette
Things You'll Need
- Simple desk lamp
- PC cooler
- Automobile smoke eater
- Soldering gun
- Ashtray
- 20-inch by 20-inch fan
- 20-inch by 20-inch filter
- Tape
Filtering Cigarette Smoke from Your Cigarettes
Unplug the lamp before working on the smoke filter project. Remove the light bulb socket using a screwdriver. Then remove the cone-shaped head from the desk lamp. Set the socket and head aside.
Solder the USB cable to the PC cooler power supply. Apply super glue to the edges of the PC cooler and press firmly into the cone-shaped head of the desk lamp. Wait for the glue to dry.
Unscrew the base of the lamp, remove the on/off switch and locate the wiring for the on/off switch. Remove this wiring and solder the power supply wires for the PC fan to the location of where the power switch wiring was located.
Reassemble the lamp base and cone-shaped head. Insert the filter end of the automobile smoke eater in the hole where the switch was located. Place the ashtray beneath the cone-shaped head and plug the USB into your computer or laptop to see if it works.
Light a cigarette and place it in the ashtray; use a cigarette that preferably doesn't have the FSC additive that snuffs a cigarette out if it isn't being smoked. The all-natural types do not have this additive in them. Watch to see the trail of smoke to judge the effectiveness of your creation.
Filtering Cigarette Smoke from Someone Else's Cigarettes
Lay the fan front-side down onto the floor. Align the edges of the filter with the edges of the fan.
Note the direction of the air flow "arrow" on the filter. The arrow should point in the direction you want the air to flow, through the back of the fan and out through the front.
Tape the filter to the back of the fan. Turn the fan on and face the fan in the direction you want the cleaned air to flow. For added effectiveness, use a second filter in the front of the fan.