How to Get Your Boyfriend to Quit Dipping
Tell your boyfriend how you feel about his dipping habit. Let him know that you don't approve of this habit and that you would like him to quit.
Explain the potential health dangers caused by dipping tobacco. These can include cancer, increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and an added risk of a heart attack. Tell him that you care about him and want him to live a long, happy and healthy life, which he might not be able to do if he keeps dipping tobacco.
Discuss the other unpleasant side effects of dipping that you do not enjoy. He might have bad breath, there might be tobacco stains all over his clothing and furniture, and his teeth may be stained an unattractive shade of yellow. Let him know that you can't put up with these situations any longer.
Offer to help him quit. There are many different methods to quitting this habit, ranging from tapering down the amount of dipping to stopping "cold turkey." Investigate the many ways to quit dipping, and present the options to him. The method he chooses depends on his level of addiction and on his personality.
Keep working on him to get him to quit dipping. Don't give up if he says no the first time. It might take you a few times to get through to him, but be persistent and stay with it until he agrees to listen to you.