A List of Reasons of Why You Shouldn't Smoke
Smoking can directly cause the development of a wide variety of cancers, many of which are fatal. Some cancers that are linked to smoking include lung, bladder, stomach, kidney, throat, breast, oral cavity and cervix. Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens, which cause mutations in cells, causing them to grow exponentially and turn into cancer cells and eventually cancerous tumors.
Smoking can be extremely damaging to the heart. Cigarettes are loaded with nicotine, which is very addictive. Nicotine is capable of elevating blood pressure levels and contributing to blood clotting. This possibility can greatly raise the possibility of heart attack in individuals because it reduces circulation in the blood vessels. The activity constricts the blood vessels while simultaneously narrowing the arteries, which can contribute to a stroke.
Smoking habits can also cause respiratory problems. Some conditions that are commonly linked with smoking include severe coughing (due to problematic mucus secretion), persistent shortness of breath, emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer. Smoke contains hydrogen cyanide, which can affect the lining of the lungs, leading to inflammation.
Apart from health problems, smoking can also dramatically affect your physical appearance in a negative way. The habit is particularly detrimental to the skin and can leave people looking older than their years. Oxygen loss and insufficient circulation due to smoking can cause the skin to appear brittle and dull, while also bringing upon the loss of its youthful plumpness and vitality.
Reproductive Issues
For people who would like to become parents someday, smoking also can be very dangerous and problematic, for men and women alike. Women can experience ovulation problems as a result of smoking. In pregnant women, the habit can lead to many complications and unpleasant possibilities, such as sudden infant death syndrome, lower weight at birth than normal, stillborn babies, miscarriage and premature birth. Other possibilities are infertility, impotence and low sperm count in men.
Cost is another reason why you should abstain from smoking. When you buy a pack cigarettes, you are technically throwing money away in order to jeopardize your health. A regular smoking habit can get very expensive, very fast.