How to Stop Inhaling Pipe Tobacco Smoke
Things You'll Need
- Pipe
- Long-leaf pipe tobacco
- Lighter or match
- Straw
- Mirror
Just Puff
Push your tongue back in your mouth towards your throat. Point your tongue downwardly in your mouth and pull it backwardly toward your throat. This will block airflow to your throat. Practice sucking air through a straw while blocking your throat to ensure that you do not inhale the air.
Push your tongue to the back of your throat again and light your pie while while gently drawing smoke. Use your tongue to block your throat from any smoke. Exhale.
Put the pipe stem in one corner of your mouth. Pull more smoke from the pipe while still blocking your throat with your tongue. Release your tongue and blow a quick puff of air from the other side of your mouth. This action will expel smoke form your mouth before it enters your throat. If the pipe smoke is too hot as it enters your mouth you are pulling too hard with your mouth when drawing and you should suck more softly.
Blow Smoke Rings
Light your pipe and draw a large puff of smoke into your mouth. Block your throat with your tongue by pointing it downwardly. Blowing proper smoke rings means not inhaling, because your lungs will filter the smoke, making it dull and thin and unreliable for producing a good smoke ring.
Form a large circular "O" shape with your lips. Make this opening as large as possible without compromising the integrity of the circle. Point your tongue downwardly so that it sits vertically in your mouth. Do not exhale.
Move your tongue quickly back and forth. This will expel small amounts of smoke at a time that will form a ring shape upon exiting your mouth. The quick tongue movements blowing smoke rings easier to do without inhaling or exhaling. Adjust your tongue and lips until you get the smoke ring you desire.
Keep your Tongue Strong
Exercise your tongue daily without smoking to ensure that it is strong. If you are still unintentionally inhaling pipe smoke when smoking a pipe, your tongue and throat muscles may be weak. Practice vocal throat and tongue exercises to strengthen these crucial smoking muscles.
Relax your shoulders and tilt your head backward comfortably. Relax your jaw and open your mouth. Tilt your head forward again, keeping your mouth relaxed. Place your hand underneath your chin and say "Yah yah yah" in a loud voice. Guide your chin open and closed during this exercise.
Look into a mirror, relax your jaw and with your mouth open, let your tongue hang out. In a soft voice make an "ah" sound but vary the pitch so you mimic a siren. Vary your pitch slowly because this exercise puts a lot of stress on the tongue and it might tighten up the first few times that you do this. Modify this exercise by moving your tongue -- still outside of your mouth -- from side to side while saying "ah."
Look into your mirror, open your mouth and relax your jaw. Say "ee-ah" several times, while keeping your mouth open and holding your jaw still. Watch the way that your tongue moves up and down inside your mouth -- it should be the only part of your mouth moving. Practice this exercise at low, medium and high pitch levels.
Practice holding your nose and breathing through your mouth. You will be able to feel the air move over your tongue before it hits your throat. Note that if you pull your tongue more deeply into your mouth, you will not be able to breathe through your mouth.