What happens if you have emphysema and keep on smoking?
1. Increased Airflow Obstruction: Smoking further damages the alveoli and small airways, worsening airflow limitation and making it even more difficult to breathe.
2. Worsening Shortness of Breath: As the condition progresses, you may experience more frequent and severe episodes of shortness of breath, making it challenging to perform everyday activities.
3. Reduced Oxygen Levels: Smoking further reduces the ability of the lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, leading to lower oxygen levels in the blood (hypoxemia). This can cause fatigue, confusion, and other complications.
4. Increased Mucus Production: Smoking stimulates mucus secretion in the airways, which can lead to a chronic cough, increased phlegm production, and difficulty clearing the airways.
5. Exacerbations and Pneumonia: Continued smoking makes you more susceptible to respiratory infections and exacerbations, which can lead to flare-ups of emphysema symptoms and potentially develop into life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia.
6. Increased Inflammation: Smoking releases harmful substances that contribute to ongoing inflammation in the airways and lungs, further damaging the lung tissue and accelerating the progression of emphysema.
7. Rapid Decline in Lung Function: The rate at which lung function declines may accelerate due to the ongoing damage from smoking, leading to a more rapid decline in lung capacity and overall health.
8. Increased Risk of Death: Smoking with emphysema significantly increases the risk of premature death from respiratory complications and other related conditions, such as heart disease and lung cancer.
It's crucial to understand that emphysema is a progressive and serious condition, and continuing to smoke while having emphysema will hasten its progression and significantly worsen your quality of life and life expectancy. If you have emphysema, it is essential to seek medical attention, follow your doctor's recommendations, and make lifestyle modifications, including quitting smoking, to manage your condition and improve your overall health.