| | Public Health Safety | Smoking
What are the long and short terms of smoking tobacco?
* *Increased heart rate and blood pressure*
* *Narrowed blood vessels*
* *Decreased circulation and oxygen to the heart and brain*
* *Increased риск of blood clots*
* *Headaches*
* *Dizziness*
* *Confusion*
* *Fatigue*
* *Cough*
* *Sore throat*
* *Hoarseness*
* *Loss of sense of smell*
* *Loss of taste*
* *Cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat, larynx, bladder, and kidneys*
* *Chronic bronchitis*
* *Emphysema*
* *Stroke*
* *Heart disease*
* *Diabetes*
* *High blood pressure*
* *Gum disease*
* *Tooth loss*
* *Osteoporosis*
* *Decreased vision*
* *Memory loss*
* *Impotence*
* *Premature death*