Which of your tobacco using friends actions would inflence you against tobacco?
* They become addicted. Watching a friend struggle with tobacco addiction can make you realize how difficult it is to quit.
* They spend a lot of money on tobacco products. Seeing how much money your friend spends on tobacco products can make you realize that you don't want to waste your money on something that is harmful to your health.
* They are always smelling like smoke. If your friend smokes, you may notice that their clothes, hair, and breath always smell like smoke. This can be unpleasant and make you want to avoid being around them.
* They are inconsiderate of others. Smokers often don't realize how their smoke can bother other people. They may smoke in public places, even though they know that it is not allowed. They may also smoke in their homes, even though they know that it can make their children and pets sick.