How to Smoke a Filterless Cigarette
Due to those health warnings, many cigarette companies began including filters onto the end of their cigarettes which are supposed to reduce the intake of tar and nicotine into the body. Filter-less cigarettes are still sold today, however, and they are smoked the same way a cigarette with a filter is smoked.
Things You'll Need
- Filter-less cigarette
- Lighter or match
Remove a filter-less cigarette from the pack and place either end of the cigarette between your lips. Since filter-less cigarettes have no filter it doesn't matter which end you choose to smoke.
Use a lighter or match to light the end of the cigarette that is not in your mouth. Hold the flame to the end of the cigarette and suck on the part of the cigarette that is in your mouth. The flame and intake of oxygen should effectively light the one end of the cigarette and keep it burning.
Hold the non-lit end of the cigarette between your lips and inhale deeply to get all of the nicotine and tobacco into your lungs. Exhale to release the smoke that is in your lungs. Repeat until approximately ½-inch of the cigarette is left.
Remove what is left of the cigarette from your mouth and dab the lit end out in an ashtray or public cigarette receptacle.