Unique Ways to Quit Chewing Canned Tobacco
Non-Tobacco Snuff
Non-tobacco snuff can be purchased online and in some convenience stores. It has the consistency and texture of a tobacco product, but with none of the harmful ingredients. Instead it may contain things like alfalfa, mint leaves, or guarana (a natural source of caffeine). Peppermint in particular has been known to curb cravings. You can switch immediately from tobacco to non-tobacco snuff, or make the change gradually. Make sure you're not allergic to any of the ingredients before using this product.
Acupuncture is a traditional, ancient form of holistic healing that has been proven effective in chewing tobacco cessation. It is painless and extremely safe. Acupuncture treatments are given in hour-long increments 2 to 3 times weekly. Tiny, flexible needles are inserted into pressure points on the skin's surface, often on the ears or forehead. The stimulation of these points helps the body release built-up toxins, aids in relaxation and promotes mental clarity.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy involves the substitution of gums, lozenges, sprays or patches to replace chewing tobacco. These products contain nicotine, the main addictive substance in chewing tobacco. Nicotine alone, however, does not cause cancer. It is safe to replace chewing canned tobacco with any of these products for up to three months; any longer and you risk becoming addicted to the replacement method itself. Do not use chewing tobacco while you are using a nicotine replacement method as this can cause unwanted side effects.
Cold Turkey
Some people are able to quit chewing tobacco "cold turkey" -- that is, without tapering down or using products like nicotine gum. This is an especially effective method if you haven't been using canned tobacco very long. This method may be the most difficult for the first two weeks, while your body detoxifies. Once your body is free of the harmful chemicals, though, you'll start to feel healthy much faster. You can also find in-person or online support groups to help you adjust to your new, tobacco-free life.