Cons for Smoking Bans
Hurts Businesses
The hospitality industry, namely bars and restaurants, is impacted negatively by smoking bans. A smoking ban has the potential to lower the demand patrons have for these public venues, which cuts into the profit the businesses make. If the financial problems grow large enough, this can lead to some businesses closing, costing employees their jobs in the process. If the demand for smoke-free bars and restaurants was high, logic dictates that more of them would exist, negating the need for a smoking ban.
Government Hypocrisy
The high taxes on cigarettes make them an expensive purchase for customers, and one that greatly benefits the country financially. Opponents of smoking bans feel that it's an act of hypocrisy to profit off of cigarettes but also deliver strict orders that they are not allowed to use the product in public places.
Hinders Personal Freedom
Another argument against smoking bans is that they go against freedom of choice. Society tends to accept people who do things that hurt themselves as long as they are not hurting others in the process. There are always a wide variety of smoke-free places to go, so if a non-smoker wishes to avoid smoke, all he has to do is stay away from buildings that allow it. This viewpoint suggests that banning smoke in certain buildings and locations is sufficient enough alone, and that a complete public ban is overkill.
Difficult To Enforce
Even for those who feel that a public smoking ban is a good idea, there's always the debate as to how to make it work. Most public locales would not have the ability to stop patrons from secretly smoking, particularly in isolated places like bathrooms. Small businesses, in particular, are unlikely to uphold the ban, in part because losing clients hurts them far more than it hurts big corporations. A public smoking ban is meaningless if is not enforced.