Ingredients in Cigarette Smoke
Mainstream Smoke and Sidestream Smoke
Scientists make a distinction between two kinds of cigarette smoke: mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke. Mainstream smoke refers to the smoke inhaled and exhaled by the smoker. Sidestream smoke refers to the smoke produced by the burning cigarette on its own.
"Because sidestream smoke is generated at lower temperatures and under different conditions than mainstream smoke, it contains higher concentrations of many of the toxins found in inhaled cigarette smoke," according to the Surgeon General.
Sidestream smoke is clearly more toxic and dangerous than mainstream smoke.
A carcinogen is any element or compound that causes cancer in humans. Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens, and is classified as a carcinogen itself. The International Agency for Research on Cancer found 11 compounds in secondhand smoke that are known carcinogens: 2-naphthylamine, 4-aminobiphenyl, benzene, vinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, arsenic, beryllium, nickel compounds, chromium, cadmium and polonium-210. Many other chemicals found in cigarette smoke also produce cancer in humans after prolonged exposure. They include arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, nickel, benzene and vinyl chloride.
Pesticides are chemicals used to destroy various pests, mainly insects. Some pesticides find their way into cigarettes because they are sprayed onto the tobacco crop. Dcientists at the Colorado School of Mines have discovered the presence of three pesticides -- flumetralin, pendimethalin and trifluralin -- that are all known to cause cancer. These chemicals also disrupt endocrine activity in humans, meaning that they interfere with normal reproduction, growth and development.
Nicotine is the addictive ingredient in cigarettes. Nicotine addiction is extremely potent. In terms of your behavior, being addicted to nicotine is similar to being addicted to heroin or cocaine. On its own, nicotine is an oily substance that dissolves in water. In cigarettes, it is both a stimulant and a depressant. This means that it can enhance mental and physical activity, as well as decrease it. Its side effects are numerous and can include increased blood pressure, muscular tremors, and thickened or hardened arteries. Nicotine on its own has not been found to cause cancer.