How to Help a Smoking Spouse
Encourage your spouse on her quest to quit smoking with positive reinforcement. Take up a new hobby or join a club or group together to distract her while she is breaking the habit. Healthy distractions, such as working out together, going on dates together, or joining a sporting league will all help keep her mind off smoking.
Educate yourself about what symptoms to expect. Withdrawal from smoking can cause depression and anxiety. Stay empathetic to your spouse and her emotions as she is dealing with breaking her smoking habit by comforting her and encouraging her every step of the process.
Research various alternatives and method available to help the process. if your spouse is struggling quitting cold turkey, there are things you can suggest to help her in the process, if she's willing to try them. Some methods to help users quit smoking include nicotine chewing gum, nicotine patches, and even electronic "cigarettes," Some less traditional methods such as hypnotherapy have proven effective for many people. If one doesn't work, suggest she try another. The more you know about the process the more support you can offer.
Stay positive if your spouse gives into temptation during her attempt to quit. Breaking the smoking habit is a long and difficult process for some. Encourage her to stick to her resolve to quit. Being demanding or harsh if your spouse has a slip and is feeling discouraged will only add to the stress of quitting -- which may ultimately stop her from trying altogether.