Types of Menthol Cigarettes
In the United States, cigarette manufacturers are now banned by law from using the terms like "light," "mild," and "ultra light" on their packaging. In response, what some companies have done is to use colored labels to describe their cigarettes instead. Since companies use different colors, here the original labeling is described.
Full Flavor
Full Flavor menthol cigarettes have a stronger tobacco and menthol taste. Tar levels measured by smoking machines are the highest in Full Flavor or Regular cigarettes.
Light menthol cigarettes have a less pronounced tobacco taste, but still have the cooling menthol flavor. Tar levels are lower in Light cigarettes as measured by smoking machines; However, according to the National Cancer Institute, not only can any amount of tar cause cancer, but a machine isn't necessarily an accurate representation of how a person smokes.
Ultra Light
Ultra Light Menthol Cigarettes have the least amount of tobacco taste while still retaining the menthol flavor. Ultra Light tar levels are the lowest as measured by smoking machines.
Brand Preferences
According to the Centers For Disease Control and Protection, 20 percent of the cigarettes sold in 2006 were menthol cigarettes. Many smokers have a specific brand preference and will only smoke that brand; adults who smoke use a larger number of brands than adolescents who smoke.