How to: Help to Quit Smoking With BioCrave
Decide why you want to stop smoking. People stop smoking for health and financial reasons, but try to find a list of five reasons that you want to stop smoking. Also, pick a date that you want to stop smoking. Write your reasons and finish date down and post this list in a visible place so that you will see your reasons every day.
Search the Internet to find a local vendor that sales Biocrave or Sulfonil. If you cannot find a local vendor, try an online vitamin store. Purchase four bottles of the product to ensure you have a one month supply. Take 2 capsules on waking, 1 capsule every four to six hours, and 2 capsules at bedtime.
Take 1 to 2 capsules in the morning and take one capsule every 4 to 6 hours. You will take another 2 capsules before bedtime. The pills decrease your desire to smoke a cigarette; however, if you have withdrawal symptoms in between dosages, think back to your list of five reasons to quit smoking.
Try to stay positive while taking BioCrave or Sulfoni. You may have a relapse and smoke a cigarette, but do not feel bad. Remember to take your recommended dosage of BioCrave and recommit from that moment on.