Good Things About Quitting Smoking
Decreased Cancer Risk
The toxic chemicals in cigarettes have been linked with multiple types of cancer. Smokers are at a higher risk of lung, mouth, nose, throat, kidney, stomach and other cancers. Quitting smoking decreases the chance of developing these cancers and surviving cancer if it is diagnosed. In 10 years, a former smoker can reduce his risk of dying from lung cancer by half.
Improved Heart Health
The American Cancer Society reports that smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks than non-smokers. When you stop smoking, you reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke. In two weeks to three months of quitting smoking, circulation improves. One year after quitting smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease decreases by half. In five years, the risk of stroke becomes equal to that of a non-smoker.
Greater Lifespan
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that men who smoke cut their lifespan by 13.2 years, and women who smoke cut theirs lifespan by 14.5 years. Quitting smoking can prolong the length and quality of your life. People who stop smoking before age 50 can cut their risk of dying in half over a 15-year period. They will also develop fewer colds and bouts with flu, bronchitis and pneumonia. Within one to nine months of quitting smoking, the lungs regain their ability to fight infection.
Cost Savings
A 2008 article from MSN Money reports that a pack-a-day smoker spends more than $1,500 a year on cigarettes. Quitting smoking not only saves the cost of a daily pack, it saves money in other ways as well. Smokers typically have higher health and life insurance premiums and spend more on items like dry cleaning and teeth whitening. They also might receive less money when selling high-ticket items such as their cars and homes.