Tricks to Help Quit Smoking
Manage Stress
Learning how to manage stress is the first step to quit smoking. Even though nicotine is a stimulant that will make you feel nervous, many smokers believe that smoking a cigarette is what helps them relax. Quitting smoking is stressful. Because the process itself is stressful, beginning the process stressed will only interfere with your chances of success. Stress cannot always be avoided, but you can learn new ways to cope with and manage stress through healthy eating, exercise, yoga and positive thinking. If you find it difficult to do on your own, talk to a health-care provider for help in managing stress. When you begin to get a handle on stress, you will realize that you no longer need to use cigarettes as a crutch to cope.
Planning is crucial when beginning any new venture in life, and it's especially true when you try to quit smoking. Write down your plan, and lay out your strategy details. Plan the date you intend to quit smoking, and begin to ready yourself for that date. Plan when you will purchase your last pack of cigarettes and when you will get rid of ashtrays and lighters. Plan to change your routine. Change your routine and scenery will help prevent reminders of smoking. Then write a plan about what you intend to do with the money you save. Plan certain dates as milestones, and decide how you will reward yourself for your achievement.
Decide on Your Reasons
Your reasons for quitting smoking might seem obvious at first: It is bad for your health, and it's too expensive. However, once you sit down and make a list of all of the reasons why you no longer want to be a smoker, you will notice there are many things you might not have realized. Being aware of your reasons is an important step in making a conscious effort to quit smoking. Some of your reasons might include being tired of smelling like smoke, tired of having to go outside in the cold or heat to smoke, tired of yellow teeth and tired of the stigma that is attached to smoking. The more you can see how negative the smoking experience really is, the easier it is to stop.
Once you have quit smoking, you will go through hurdles dealing with chemical withdrawal from nicotine and the emotional issues involved with letting go of something familiar in your life. These hurdles can lead to failure. Getting support from others who can keep you grounded and give you positive encouragement is important. Support can be sought from doctors, therapists, friends and family. Many organizations offer quit-smoking programs and counseling support. The key is to reach out to positive influences for support and avoid negative influences at all cost.