How to Get Help to Stop Smoking in Oklahoma
Call the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline at 800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669). This is a free service for Oklahomans who want to stop smoking. Callers receive one-on-one quit coaching and referrals to resources. They may enroll for a series of telephone counseling with the same coach and receive free nicotine patches and gum. The helpline operates seven days a week and has helped over 37,000 Oklahomans quit smoking.
Attend a local smoking cessation class. Many Oklahoma hospitals and clinics offer support programs such as Freedom from Smoking, Mercy Health Center, Oklahoma City; Quit Smart, Midwest Regional Medical Center, Midwest; Breathe Easy at OSU, Oklahoma City, and Freedom from Smoking, Tulsa.
Visit a local addiction agency for help. The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services offers a list of providers at You can also find more Oklahoma addiction counselors at PsychCentral.
See your local doctor. Ask her about stop-smoking products such as nicotine patches, gum and inhalers and prescription medications. Decide together which products or combination of products might work for you.
Ask your friends and family for support. Let those close to you know that you are trying to quit so you will not be subjected to cigarette smoke and tempted. Friends and family may also be able to offer helpful tips and insights.