How to Stop Smoking Quickly & Easily
Set a date to quit smoking. It must be a day that you don't have work, where you can find yourself in stressful situations. Weekends or holidays are the best days to begin.
Prepare yourself before the big "Day One." Make a list of all the reasons you have decided to stop smoking, from yellow teeth to lung desease and cancer. Write down the list and stick in on the fridge and remind yourself of the cons of smoking constantly.
Inform your family and colleagues about your decision. This way they will be aware of your struggle and will not smoke in your presence while they provide a source of support for you.
Keep your mind busy. Always have something to read or listen to; even television can benefit you on such occasions. Try to avoid situations where you used to smoke if you simply didn't have anything else to do.
Keep your hands and mouth busy. Caramel and chewing gum will help you forget the "emptiness" of your mouth, while a pen or even your cell phone can keep your hands busy and substitute the cigarette between your fingers.
Tackle specific smoking cravings, like lighting up a cigarette after lunch or smoking with alcohol. On the first occasion, end your meal with fruit or chocolate to forget your need to smoke. If you have connected smoking with consuming alcohol, then you should either minimize alcohol consumption, or drink in bars or other people's houses where smoking is prohibited.
Start exercising to improve your physical condition. A basic training program a few times per week will help you shape up again. Avoid exhaustion and drink lots of water.
Develop a fresh, clean environment around you at home and at work. Flowers, open windows, tidy rooms at home and clean desks at work will create an atmosphere where smoking and other dirty habits have no place.