How to Quit Smoking in 10 Days
Determine why you want to quit smoking. Spend two days making a list of the benefits of quitting and the reasons why you personally want to quit, whether it is to have whiter teeth or play with your grandchildren without being short of breath. Write down the reasons and keep the list available in your wallet or stuck to a mirror for future reference.
Log your smoking patterns. For two days, keep a record of each cigarette you smoke. Note what you associate with smoking and what times you regularly smoke. If there are certain activities you always do while smoking, such as driving or drinking your morning coffee, make a note of it.
Prolong the time between each cigarette. For the next two days, attempt to smoke each cigarette a little later than you normally would. If you usually smoke on your drive to work or with your morning coffee, try to wait 10 minutes before having that cigarette. This will help your brain break the association between these activities and smoking.
Reach out to your friends and family. For the next two days, let them know about your plan to quit smoking. Ask for their support. Practice responses to friends who may not support your plan to quit and enlist the help of those who do support you. In addition, ask your doctor for medical advice and recommendations of any medication that may help.
Finalize your plans to quit. For the final two days, remove all cigarettes from your home. Wash all of your clothing and clean out your home of all cigarettes and items that remind you of smoking. Stock your home, car and office with chewing gum, small healthy snacks, bottled water and things to occupy your hands like squeezable stress reduction balls. Revisit your list of reasons for quitting.
Stop smoking. On the tenth day, do not smoke. Continue to not smoke each day after, reaching out to friends for support if the urge strikes. Each day will be easier.