How to Break the Smoking Habit

It is important to stop smoking, not just for the person who smokes, but for all of the people that person comes into contact with, as well as the environment. In order to stop smoking, according to, a person has to want to stop smoking in order to do so. To succeed, it takes both the will to quit and the mindset that the person is going to quit. Do not "try" to quit.


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      Think positively about quitting and negatively about smoking's effects on the body. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking can cause not only cancer, but also chronic bronchitis, COPD (Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease) and emphysema. All of these diseases can lead to an early death.

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      Prepare to quit smoking by setting a date, learning about the different aids (nicotine gum and patches) and telling friends and family about the plan to stop smoking. This communication creates a support system to guide a person in the right direction.

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      Chose a stop-smoking aid if it is needed. Some people can quit without the help of devices, while others cannot. In addition to nicotine patches and gum, according to, there are nicotine nasal sprays, lozenges, inhalers and pills also available. Consult a physician for help in deciding which is the best choice for an individual.

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