How to Manage Nicotine Cravings
Things You'll Need
- Non-smoking friends
- Non-smoking restaurants and bars
- Healthy snacks to chew on
- Sugar-free gum
- Journal
- Non-alcoholic drinks
Keep a journal of when and why you smoke. This will help you understand your smoking triggers before you begin your quest to quit smoking. Write down each time you light up a cigarette, and note how you feel at that time.
Sit in the non-smoking section of a restaurant or bar that has a smoking section. Smelling smoke could make you crave nicotine, so try to avoid it at all costs.
Spend less time with people who smoke because seeing them smoke could cause you to crave nicotine. Try to spend more time with your non-smoking friends until you completely kick your cravings.
Keep your mouth busy. Because smoking is so tied to using your mouth, it's important to keep you mouth busy by chewing on sugar-free gum, snacking on something healthful like carrots or celery, or using a straw when you drink.
Avoid alcohol. For many people, drinking and smoking go hand in hand. When you drink, you lower your inhibitions, and this might lead to you lighting up a cigarette. Instead, drink soda, iced tea or water.